hong kong

Tungtex Rises From the Dead

In 2023, during an AI frenzy that might soon change our lives, at a time when global internet oligopolists grow in perpetuity with limited additional capital expenditures needed, one of my favorite companies is a 46 year old producer of women’s garments and clothing which posted operating losses for eleven straight years, until this year. Try to hold back your excitement. I’ll do my best to explain my reasoning for owning this out of every public company available.

Wonderful Sky

A leading full-service public relations firm helping start-ups IPO, conduct follow-on offerings, and manage investor relations since 1996 (performing many of the duties of an investment bank), Wonderful Sky has fallen out of favor with investors and shares are down 90% since 2016, with the market cap sinking from HK$2.5b to HK$250m. I’ve been buying since late 2021 at an avg price of HK$0.28. At a tenth of its 2016 price, I’m betting on its future.